Saturday, June 2, 2007

Extra pictures from my popular demand

Venus De Milo's Crack
Me preparing to leave from Dulles Airport
My two new friends from Michigan that I met at the Paris Hostel

Outside of Buckingham Palace

The people I participated in the protest with in Paris
Hall of Mirrors in the Palace at Versailles
In front of the oldest pyramid in Egypt

Some place in Rome...I forgot

The Egyptian God Horus
Stephanie and I won the mummy wrapping contest on the cruise...very corny, but we won.

Kids we met in the Internet cafe in Aswan, Egypt

Merchant in Aswan who sold me my galabeya

Table Mountain Lion's Head. I climbed the smaller one on the right

On the way to the vineyard Backsburg in South Africa

Taya's friends outside Mzoli's in Gugulethu township in Cape Town

Merchant/ Artist I befriended in Green Market

Slave Lodge in Cape Town

Nelson Mandela's Cell Robben Island

Sunset on the Nile

One of the many temples in Egypt

Another shot of the sunset on the Nile


Anonymous said...

Wow! This has been the Best Vacation I Never Took!!!


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