Some of you who know my eating habits really want to know what I've been eating on this trip. Well, as you can guess from the title a whole heck of a lot of Mr. McDonald´s delectable treats. So far I have been to three countries and in all three of them I have managed to stop into McDonald´s at least twice. There is one on almost every block (good ole´globalization). However, they have not mastered the fries like their American counterparts. Spain has come the closest out of the three, but their fries was little to salty. I know because I eat McDonald´s three times a week in DC.
I am not a complete gastronomic bore. Every place I've gone I've tried something different. The

food in London was not good. It taste sort of like the back of an old man´s heel (whatever that taste like, but I´m sure London does a great job licking so many heels so their food can taste just as bad). The best food in Paris I found in the open markets right below Notre Dame. I loved walking through there and it was in my budget. Plus, I really enjoyed the crepes and the pastries. Before I left I made sure that I filled up on as much wine as possible like it was going out of style. I was about one glass away from not making it Barcelona.

These are the people I hung out with on the last night in Paris. Most of them were traveling strays like myself, and half of them were Canadian. I was the lone American. They're the reason why waking up for my flight was so hard.

Right now I am in Barcelona and the weather is absolutely great. The first thing that I eat when I got here was paella, which is my favorite dish. I will eat it again tonight and tomorrow until it gets old (which it wont).
The best area to stay in Barcelona is right next to Las Ramblas which is the main strip. That is where all the stores, street performers, and night spots are located. However, that's not where I´m staying. I am a couple of blocks away from it in an abandon building off of a dark ally. The room is nice, but the location is all wrong. Looking at a map it seemed like the best place to stay, but I was mistaken. The streets are narrow and when you go down the side streets you have to hold your nose every couple of feet because of some unspeakable putrid smell.
Here are some pictures from Barcelona.

This is the outside of my hostel. They couldn't even pull together enough money to put up a real sign. Some random guy on the street had to help me find it.
Thats Crazy
oops i put that on the wrong blog........
my fault lol
We've enjoyed following your travels and have been laughing out loud at some of the things you've said and done.
Your Grandmother is doing okay - surgery went well. Called your number to let you know - but got no answer and was not able to leave a message. Momma will be in rehab until about 25 May. I printed your travels out so that she could read them.
Glad to know that you're finding McDonald's - at least you have something to eat - we were concerned about that.
This is much too long to post. Just wanted to touch base. Take care and be careful.
Love Aunt Bev (& Uncle Rick)
Oops, I feel responsible for the the hostel! Sorry!
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